Questions & Answers (FAQ)
If you still have questions after reading our FAQs, please feel free to contact us.
Question: What kind of quality are your replica goods?
Answer: We only sell high and top quality replicas, which are the best replicas available in the replica market period.
Question: What do your replicas come with?
Answer: Our replica goods come with a box, a dust bag and care cards. If items are too big then we will ship brand paper shopping bags instead of a box to avoid the shipping fee too high. If you still want the box you need to pay an additional shipping fee for it.
Question: Is your products made of genuine leather/lambskin?
Answer: We guaranteed that our leather products are 100% made of real leather/lambskin which is imported to match the original brand. We use a range of leathers depending on which is used on the authentic items.
Question: What is the difference between high or top or best quality?
Answer: Different quality versions are because of different material (leather, canvas, hardware…) and different craftsmanship. Our high and top quality replica goods can reach 95% - 99% same as the authentic, to be brief, higher quality means closer to authentic. But to be honest we tell our every customer, replica is replica, authentic is authentic, even top quality version can only reach 98%-99% closer to the authentic, can’t 100% same as authentic. If you want 100% same as the authentic, please be advised to purchase the authentic.
Question: Do you accept PayPal?
Answer: Yes, but we only accept PayPal payment that “sent as a GIFT/FRIENDS AND FAMILY.
Question: What payment method do you accept?
Answer: We accept Wise App, Western Union, MoneyGram and PayPal. Detailed payment information will be offered when you place an order. But different payment has different payment transfer fee, you can contact us for the difference. Every payment method is very safe for you, as we are a honest seller who spent much time and money to make these perfect albumn and websites to build our such good business, and we like doing long time business with every customer.
Question: Why are your price are different with other sellers?
Answer: It's normal that different sellers cooperate with different factories, and selling different quality version goods in different price. We do believe that “What you get is what you paid”. We only sell high and top quality replicas, provide high quality service of pre-sale and after-sale which make us received many customers' feedback of "very satisfied". We don't know the other sellers seller what kinds of quality version, but if you are welcome to contact us for actual pictures of our products if you have any doubts. That's our difference with other sellers, selling high quality goods with providing high quality service!
Question: What discounts will you offer?
Answer: Sure. We always offer customers a discount for a bulk order. Further more, please contact us.
Question: I am worry about to buy from you and my payment. How can I trust you?
Answer: There are many scams online so it is a little difficult to shop online, BUT as a honest seller, to make buyers feel comfortable to buy, we provide several secure payment methods and usually send new customers the reviews and feedback from other regular customers (if they need), which made many customers very satisfied with our products and service. We try our best to tell buyers our honest and make buyers know us more, but we do not push any customers to buy as we want buyer to feel comfortable when buying from us. If you are wary of sending a large amount of money, we suggest you start with a smaller, and order more after you verify our reliability and products quality. I keep trying our best to make customers feel 100% comfortable to do business with us.
Question: Will the goods I buy look like the ones in the pictures?
Answer: No worries. What you see is what you will receive. We will send you pictures when you ordering, after ordering but before shipping. We guarantee the goods will look like the ones on photos you see. Every customer is very satisfied with that.
Question: Do you charge sales tax? Or will I be taxed?
Answer: No, we don't charge any sale tax. But some customs of destination may charge an import tax on your packages, but in rare occasions happen since we always write a low custom value. Exception: All package send to European country need paid tax fee, usually $5-$30. You can also contact us for a free vat shipping method (need a little extra shipping fee).
Question: Is your website secure to order from?
Answer: No, our website is just make as albums only for browse currently. But we have a SSL1.3 bit Secured Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure the security of your online browsing. Secured by R3. Due to security purposes we never keep our customers information in our database.
Question: Do you sell wholesale?
Answer: Yes, we offer wholesale price for regular bulk orders. We can provide wholesale pricing per request. Please contact us for more information.
Question: Do you ship internationally? And how will you ship?
Answer: We ship our products to anywhere of all the world via standard and express couriers, E-packet, USPS, EMS, FedEx, UPS, Aramex, Royal Mail, Germany DHL...
Question: How long will I get my goods after I order?
Answer: We usually ship out immediately in 2-3 days but sometimes factories need 2-5 more days to prepare once the styles were sold out (especially shoes and clothes). And delivery time of standard shipping is 20-90 days while express takes more or less than 15 days. And when at peak season, it may take up to 10-60 Business days to delivery. Under this special COVID-19 situation at all the world, different countries, different shipping methods, have different delay, please contact us for more information..
Question: Why are the delivery times so different sometimes?
Answer: We use the safe shipping methods to ship luxury goods to our customers. Though we do not hope this happen, if there is any significant delay (more than 2 months) with your order, please feel free to contact us to check with the shipping company. And no worries! We will keep tracking information every day from the time you order be shipped till you receive.
BUT, the world's shipping process is still affected by the Covid-19 currently, so delivery time may delay sometimes, but no worries, we promise you will 100% get your package safely and we will keep you informed if any update!